eGIS DATA NOTICE: Aerial 2011 Database

Dear eGIS Members,


In September this year, when we announced the availability of LARIAC4, we also gave everyone a heads up that the AERIAL2011 database would be removed from our EGISDBP1 ( server, as part of the life cycle. This will take effect on Monday, January 4th, 2016.  We will still provide alternative access methods to AERIAL2011 imagery.  If your map documents or applications connect to the AERIAL2011 database, please update your connections using one of the following alternative methods:

Alternative 1: Cached map service

You can connect to LACounty_Aerial_2011 cached map service via

ArcGIS Connection

Alternative 2: ECW

Our shared network drive (\\\gis01$\members\LARIAC) has ECW formatted Aerial 2011 imagery data in the LARIAC folder.


Alternative 3:  Vector data in AERIAL2011 is now in eGIS_Basemaps_Grids

Please also be informed that the following vector data in AERIAL2011 are now copied over to the eGIS_Basemap_Grids database.


Should you have any questions on connection information, please contact us at



– The eGIS Team


Enterprise Geographic Information Systems (eGIS)

Mailstop #2, 9150 Imperial Hwy, Downey, CA 90242