Collector and Survey123 Test – Status


Many of you know that we had planned on having a test of Collector and Survey123.  The idea was to create a way to test the applications with GIS users in Los Angeles County.  Create a new group, setup a few layers and web maps and get it going.  The purpose was to get everyone familiar with the applications; and how they could assist their departments.  If you don’t use it, you don’t really understand the capabilities.  We thought that the departments that have experience with this could double check the setup.  Then we’d train people, let them use it over a couple of weeks, then we’d have an online meeting/feedback session to go through what we’d learned.  The problem has been time and resources.

So we are NOT going to do a test after all.  There are good examples recently of people using the Collector app.  Some folks using Collector include DPW (Steve G & Manny R), Parks & Rec (John D), Fire (Angie S)…I’m sure there are more.  Contact those people if you have questions or need assistance; I’m sure they’d try and assist.

We’ll try and use Survey123 for part of our game for GIS Day in November.

Sorry, that’s what I have right now.  Take care.