Updated City Boundaries for Review

Hello all! Draft updated city boundaries based on the latest NOAA CUSP shoreline are now available. Please review before the next Data Committee meeting on May 25 if possible.

Here is the viewer to review changes: https://lacounty.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=c7853f9912a04f40a99416e6825f41c9
(You can add other data layers to this app to compare with the new boundaries)

The AGOL item with changes: https://lacounty.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=25399e5c9b84447db227a13295908a52

In addition to geometry updates, there are also a few schema changes proposed for the repository layer at eGIS_Boundaries_Political.eGIS.DPW_CITY_BOUNDARIES

  • COMMENT, POPULATION, CITY and CITY_ID fields are all null and should be probably be removed
  • DESCRIPTN to be copied over to ABBR and DESCRIPTN to be removed as well
  • COLOR_CODE to be removed if not in use by anyone (see COLOR_EGIS)
  • Either ‘Unincorporated’ in CITY_NAME or ‘CO’ in CITY_LABEL should be replaced with Unincorporated County since that seems to be used more often when labeling

Updates to this layer will require updates to Census data, CSAs, Sup Districts and other layers. Departments, please review your layers and identify any others that will need updating.

Please reach out to Jordan or Mark with any questions or concerns, and we will discuss and potentially approve these boundaries at the May 25 meeting.

Thank you!