eGIS NOTICE: Esri UC 2020 Registration (UPDATE 1/22/20)

01/22/20 UPDATE:

As mentioned in the last Steering and User Council Meetings (and posted on the Hub), Esri will no longer allow splitting full-conference registrations between different UC attendees.

What Does this Mean?

All LA County attendees will now have to take a full UC pass (5 days) regardless of the number of days they actually intend to go.

For the 2020 UC, to accommodate for this change, Esri has added passes for Customer #20. However, it is unlikely that we can always count on Esri increasing our number of passes beyond what we actually qualify for.

In this light, for the 2020 UC, the number of passes allotted are based each departments’ current licensing levels.

How are Passes Calculated?

Esri UC passes are allocated according to the Esri Maintenance Program.

What Happens Next? What’s the Registration Process?

  1. Before you can register, all GIS Managers/Departmental GIS Coordinators are to send a list of approved attendees to Tia Morita by February 18th (about five weeks from now)
    • Any names not on a list of approved attendees will be denied registration
    • If you know in advance that your department will not need all the passes allotted, please inform Tia so she can begin giving them to other departments
  1. If your department was not given any passes or you need additional passes (perhaps for your upper management), please email Tia and let her know the # of passes you wish to have (she will do her best to distribute passes as they become available)
  2. Upon approval from your Manager(s), all attendees are asked to register by February 28th (again, anyone not listed on an approved list provided by their manager will be denied registration)
  3. Beginning March 2nd any remaining passes will be distributed to other departments who did not receive any
  4. By April 30th, all prospective UC attendees should be registered (this ensures everyone can meet the usual May 1st deadline to cancel/change any hotel reservations via the Esri UC conference site without penalty)


Posted Dec 18th, 2019:

Dear eGIS Partners,

In yesterday’s User Council meeting, we announced that Esri has changed their policy regarding Esri UC registrations for local government groups – that is they will no longer allow attendees to split up days of attendance and only entire passes will be handed out. This means that your department can no longer divide up the 5 days for a pass between your users. To accommodate for this change, this year, Esri are going to increase our # of passes by 5 times the original # (however it is likely this will not be the case in subsequent years).

To be ensure that all passes are distributed fairly amongst all departments given current licensing levels, we ask that folks please DO NOT register yet for the 2020 Esri UC. We will be contacting GIS Managers and Departmental GIS Coordinators by early/mid-January with the exact # of passes available for each department, at which time (and given your manager’s approval) you may begin to register.

While we realize it is best to register early in order to secure lodging, given this major change in Esri’s policy, kindly delay registering for the 2020 UC until further notice.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ISD eGIS Group (


Thank you,