Opportunity to Help Plan Dept. of Arts and Culture’s Upcoming Arts Datathon

Hi All,

Our department’s annual Arts Datathon brings together arts administrators, artists, educators, data scientists, students, GIS professionals, community advocates, researchers, civic technologists, and others to explore how we can use data to improve access to the arts for everyone.

Planned for April 2023, participants in the Arts Datathon will learn about a new dataset that measures investments in arts and culture by LA County government. Through a series of talks and hands-on workshops, participants will work together to explore creative new ways to measure access to the arts that build on and expand this dataset. We will use this as a starting point to identify one or more measures the Department of Arts and Culture can implement and use to assess equity in access to our programs and services. This will be the first in-person Arts Datathon since 2019.

We welcome a variety of expertise and perspectives when planning each Arts Datathon. If anyone is interested in volunteering to join our Steering Committee for this year’s event, please contact Arts and Culture Research Associate Matthew Agustin (magustin@arts.lacounty.gov) by COB Friday January 27. Our Steering Committee plans to meet once a month and communicate over email to discuss ideas about content and activities for the Arts Datathon.

Thank you!
